Kids pop choir - Latest video work

For the season 2023-2024 we invite parents with children from 5 till 11 years old to join our kids show group.

During a year we will learn how to sing, breathe and perform at the stage. We’ll be practicing and polishing our skills in the studio and on a real stage.

In our repertoire are 4 songs that we sing for an entire year, along with dance routine and acting.

Your kids will have fun together and develop their talents!

Practical information:

  • Lessons are 40 EUR per month. 15 acceptance costs.
  • Lessons are every Saturday at 13:00 (45min). except of public and school holidays.
  • Location: Marinus van der Stoepstraat 24, 3061PE, Rotterdam
  • Concerts: we apply to all possible festivals or open stages. Last 2023 - 2024 study year kids performed at 6 festivals in Rotterdam, Amsterdam and 4 performances at different concerts.
  • Language: English/Dutch

Trial lessons in September.

Submit your application below


phone: 0683829513